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                Your Current Position:  Products > Labeling Machine Series

                NY-861 bottle turning and conveying chain conveyor with collection table

                A Bottle Unscrambler is an automatic, variable speed packaging equipment that receives empty bottles in bulk, then orients, processes, and positions them onto a moving conveyor for further downstream processing. The Rotary glass pet bottle feeder machine & glass pet bottle unscrambler is used to unscrambling disorder standing glass pet bottles and make the bottle in order to the filling production line.

                NY-865 automatic unscrew and rotate cover machine

                Suitable for unscrew and rotate covers of various round bottle,square bottle,flat round bottle.It also used by rack-type lonely.The production can meet the needs of large-scale production line.

                NY-2300 aluminum foil sealer

                Suitable for aluminum foil sealing of round, square and special-shaped bottles such as food, medical, cosmetic, daily chemical, etc.,connected to the conveyor belt of the labeling machine, filling machine, rotary cover machine, automatic bottle feeding, improve efficiency.

                NY-836ZDZ Flag Sticker Folded Labeling Machine

                It is a kind of ideal device widely used for Ice pop fruit jelly pudding stick drink bar, wire cable tube and other lollipop tube
                products in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Suitable for labeling tube with different specifications. With features such as easy operation, high efficiency and accurate labeling etc.

                NY-835 Full-auto Upper and Round Side Labeling Machine

                It applies to labeling of various round bottles and square bottles that can stand up to realize top surface labeling and round side labeling. Widely used in food, medicine, daily chemical, electronic, meatal, plastics and other industries.

                NY-832 Fully Automatic Square Bottle Four Side Labeling Machine

                It applies to flat bottle to realize single side labeling, 90 degree corner turning labeling, three sides or four sides corner turning labeling; Widely used in square milk bottle, juice bottle and beverage bottle.

                NY-831 Fully Automatic Double Taper Bottle Labeling Machine

                It is especially designed for more big taper bottle products to realize the body & neck double taper labeling.

                NY-830 Box End Closure Labeling Machine

                It is especially designed for labeling the end closure of box. Step-driven labeling smothering mechanism, stable performance. Corner mechanism can be individually stopped or removable to achieve general flat surface labeling.

                NY-823 Double Sides Labeling Machine

                NY-823 Fully automatic double sides labeling machine, it applies to flat, round and square bottle such as flat shampoo bottle, flat lubricating oil bottle, hand sanitizer round bottle to realize single or two sticker labeling. Widely used for Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Chemical, Electronic and other industries. It has optional date coding device, realize date coding on stickers.

                NY-822C Taper Round Glass Plastic Bottle Jar Cup Labeling Machine

                NY-822C Positional Stand Up Round Rotary Bottle Labeling Machine to label on the circumference of surface with taper or other curved surface for food glass pet plastic bottles, jars, cups etc. It has optional circumference positioning detection device, realize the specified position single or double sticker labeling.

                NY-816 Flat Surface Labeling Machine Head

                NY-816 flat surface labeling machine designed for vffs packing machine such as vertical packing machine, granular packing machine, powder packing machine, liquid packing machine and electronic scale series, tea bag packing machine, flow horizontal packing machine hffs, bag making machine, sealing machine, filling machine etc. which are widely used in food, chemicals, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, beverages, agricultural products, toys and industrial products and other light industries.

                NY-817 Top Flat Surface Labeling Machine

                NY-817 Flat surface plane labeling machine can work for all kinds of objects with plane, flat surface, side surface or large curvature surface such as bags, paper, pouch, card, books, boxes, jar, cans, tray etc.Widely used in food, medicine, daily chemical, electronic, metal, plastics and other industries. It has optional date coding device, realize date coding on stickers.

                NY-817S Wet-paper Cap Labeling Machine

                The automatic hygiene wet wipes packet cover filling dispensing and labeling machine can work for all kinds of objects with plane, flat surface such as Chewing Gum Xylitol Plastic Box/Milk Powder Cover/Blister Plastic Case/Wet Wipes Cover etc. Widely used in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and Infant health supplies, soft cotton cloth, household disinfection, antibacterial cleaning supplies industries.

                NY-817F Paging and Labeling Machine

                NY-817F automatic paging and labeling machine can work for all kinds of objects with plane, flat surface such as card, bags, books, unshaped boxes, cartons, paper,pouch and other packaging bag etc. Adopts automatically separate stacks of packaging bags or cards and convey single piece onto the conveyor belt so as to facilitate labeling machine to stick each sticker onto objects and thus reduce the trifles of manual paging to improve labeling efficiency.

                NY-821 Horizontal Round Bottle Labeling Machine

                It applies to labeling of various round bottles that can not stand up. Such as: oral liquid bottles, ampoules, syringes bottles, batteries, ham, sausage, test tubes, pen, lipstick, solid plastic bottles.

                NY-822A Rolling Type Round Bottle Labeling Machine

                NY-822A Vertical Round Bottle Rolling Labeling Machine to label on the circumference of surface or other curved surface for food glass pet plastic round bottles, jars, cans, tins etc. Widely used for Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Chemical, Electronic and other industries. It has optional date coding device, realize date coding on stickers.

                NY-822B Position Round Bottle Labeling Machine

                NY-822B Positional Stand Up Round Rotary Bottle Labeling Machine to label on the circumference of surface or other curved surface for food glass pet plastic round bottles, jars, cans, tins etc. It has optional circumference positioning detection device, realize the specified position single or double sticker labeling.

                NY-824 Semi Automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine

                NY-824 Semiautomatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine to label on the circumference of surface or other curved surface for food glass pet plastic round bottles, jars, cans, tins etc. Widely used for Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Chemical, Electronic and other industries. It has optional date coding device, realize date coding on stickers.

                NY-827 Flat-round Bottles Multi-function Labeler

                NY-827 applies to flat, round, cylindrical square bottle such as flat shampoo bottle, flat lubricating oil bottle, wine bottle, hand sanitizer round bottle to realize single or two sticker side labeling or circular surface labeling function.

                NY-829 Top and Bottom Labeling Machine

                NY-829 top and bottom labeling machine can work for all kinds of objects with flat surface, side surface, regular rectangles, square shape such as bags, paper, pouch, card, books, boxes, jar, cans, tray etc. To finish top and bottom labeling, two labeling machine can work at the same time. Widely used in food, medicine, daily chemical, electronic, metal, plastics and other industries. It has optional date coding device, realize date coding on stickers.