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                Your Current Position:  Products > Consumable & Spare Part

                NY-800 High quality FC2 FC3 Hot Transfer Printing Stamping Foil Expiry Date Coding Ribbon Printer

                With the characteristics of good adhesion, no easy-to-wipe, boiling resistance, legible printing, non-pollution, NY series stamp ribbon are widely used on ribbon coder to print clear and instant dry production date, batch No., etc. on plastic film and labels such as PVC, PP/OPP, PE/PET and Aluminum etc. Can print date on packing bags of frozen food, dairy, beverage, pharmacy, etc.

                Ink Stamp Roll/White Printing Inks Cartridge Rollers For Batch Date Stamping Coding Machine

                Hot Ink Roller is specialized foam roll loaded with a variety of hot melt inks, which is used to print production dates, expiry dates, batch numbers, and other related information on all kinds of package substrates for the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, automotive and the other industries.

                2*4*15 mm Brass Character for hot stamping date coding machine

                Brass steel stamps fonts, with features of high temperature resistance, resistance to wear, long usage life, smooth design for easy installation, are widely used on hot stamp coding machine to print production date, expiry number and batch number etc. on plastic film, paper and labels such as PVC, PP/OPP, PE/PET and Aluminum etc.