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                Your Current Position:  Products > Laser & Inkjet Printer Series

                JPT-D Industrial Ink Jet Date Coding Printer Machine

                Extremely versatile and robust JPT-D industrial inkjet designed to provide superior quality coding at various production
                environments on wide range of substrates & applications. Flexible code design, including the ability to mark serial numbers, batch codes, expiry dates, bar codes and logo on various uneven and flexible surfaces of substrates.

                NY-1830 Industrial CIJ Printer for Bottle Carton Pouch Date Expiry Batch Code Ink jet Printing

                NY-1830 continuous ink jet printers can print easy to read text and graphics to enable product identification on uneven and
                flexible surfaces of substrates from food, glass and plastic to metal and rubber. Flexible code design, including the ability to mark serial numbers, batch codes, expiry dates, bar codes and logo etc.

                2020 UV Laser Marking Machine to Printing Logo

                UV laser machine widely used for consumer electronic products, mobile phone parts, LCD screen, ceramic, sapphire slice, FPC soft PCB micro-pore drilling, biomedical glass groove engraving, capacitive touch screen ITO etching, It can print series number, batch number, bar code, QR code, logo and pattern on most of metal and non-metal material.

                20W 30W 50W Removable Portable QR Code Fiber Laser Marking Machine

                Various models of fiber laser machines are available , they can print series number, batch number, bar code, QR code, logo and pattern on these high precision processing products such as IC chips, digital product component, precision machinery, jewelry, electronic components, hardware tools, mobile communication components, automobile and motorcycle parts, plastic products, building materials and pipes etc.

                20W 30W 50W Removable Portable QR Code Fiber Laser Marking Machine

                Various models of fiber laser machines are available , they can print series number, batch number, bar code, QR code, logo and pattern on these high precision processing products such as IC chips, digital product component, precision machinery, jewelry, electronic components, hardware tools, mobile communication components, automobile and motorcycle parts, plastic products, building materials and pipes etc.

                30w Co2 Laser Marking Machines For Plastic Bottle Wood Cloth Leather Cable Engraving and Coding

                Various models of CO2 laser machines are available , they can print series number, batch number, bar code, QR code, logo and pattern on label, carton, plastic products, glass, wood, textile material etc. Widely used in clothing, medicine, building ceramics, beverage, fabric cutting, rubber products, craft gifts, electronic components, leather and other industries.

                30w Co2 Laser Marking Machines For Plastic Bottle Wood Cloth Leather Cable Engraving and Coding

                Various models of CO2 laser machines are available , they can print series number, batch number, bar code, QR code, logo and pattern on label, carton, plastic products, glass, wood, textile material etc. Widely used in clothing, medicine, building ceramics, beverage, fabric cutting, rubber products, craft gifts, electronic components, leather and other industries.